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30 days ago
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Human Touch in Talent Acquisition
Chris H. from CXR
Combining technology with our human skills in recruiting is not only inevitable but crucial for our future success.
CareerXroads brought together dozens of talent acquisition leaders and experts to explore the integration and balance of technology and personal touch in recruiting. This comprehensive exploration culminates in a compelling vision for the future of talent acquisition – a future where technology and human touch coalesce to create recruitment strategies that are not only efficient but deeply human-centric.
Download your copy of this report.
recommended CareerXroads (CXR Community)
374 days ago
recommended CareerXroads (CXR Community)
374 days ago
recommended CareerXroads (CXR Community)
418 days ago
Redefining Candidate Experience in the Era of AI
Chris H. from CXR
The global pandemic undeniably shook-up talent acquisition, from the rise of remote work to the “great resignation” and more. One area continually poised for ongoing transformation is candidate experience.
Our leaders delved into the evolving candidate experience, especially in the post- pandemic era, with a keen eye on the impact and integration of AI. We were fortunate to have experts on board who discussed trends, alternatives, envisioned the ideal future state, and offered valuable recommendations for organizations seeking to adapt and lead the charge in this dynamic landscape.